White Chocolate Chip

(6 customer reviews)

Smooth, rich flavor of white chocolate.

Available for a limited time only!

Medium Roast

This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.

Customer Reviews

6 reviews for White Chocolate Chip

  1. Gina

    Please please please make white chocolate chip a flavor that we can purchase year round. It is my favorite flavor and I’m very upset that it is out of stock

  2. P Cody

    This coffee is the best….Where can I purchase it?

  3. Ashley M.

    I love this coffee and have been looking for it everywhere. Please make it more available!

  4. Desiree Anderson

    This is the most amazing coffee I have ever had. From working in coffee shops for years I have been exposed to every kind of coffee and flavors you can think of but I have never came across anything better tasting. The only bad thing I have to say about it is that this flavor us extremely hard to find in stock, even on the website.

  5. Don Locke

    This is one of your best. Second only to hazelnut creme. Wish you had it available more often than Jan – March. Any chance? Nothing else comes close.

  6. JO JO

    OMG the BEST its like cookies and milk in the same cup I had it Iced so good Please where can I find this????

    • New England Coffee

      Hi Jo Jo, We are so glad to hear you enjoy our White Chocolate Chip flavored Coffee. This flavor is a seasonal item available in January-March. We have new flavors all the time, so please check back and you may find a new favorite.

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