For a limited time buy any two boxes of single-serve pods and get one FREE freshness canister*
Use Code: CANISTER24 *Limit one per customer while supplies last. See details.


Everything you need to know about our Coffee Club.

Select your topic from the menu below for answers to common questions.


What is the New England Coffee Club?

The New England Coffee Club is a monthly coffee delivery service that is convenient and saves you money. We ship bags of ground coffee or single serve boxes directly to your door and you will save 20% off regular pricing.

How do I create a Coffee Club account?

If this is your first time ordering from New England Coffee, simply click the “My Account” link in the upper right corner of the screen and follow the on-screen instructions to register. You can also create an account during the checkout process. An account is required for all automatic delivery orders.

What if I don’t see my favorite flavor available?

Some coffees are not available through Coffee Club, these include limited time coffee offerings and custom bagged coffees. If you have any questions about coffee availability, please contact

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What Coffee Club Automatic Delivery options are available?

Ground Coffee
9 oz. – 12 oz. bags in the following varieties:

  • Blueberry Cobbler
  • Butter Pecan
  • Chocolate Cappuccino
  • Cinnamon Hazelnut
  • Colombian Supremo
  • New England Donut Shop Blend
  • Energy Blend
  • EyeOpener Blend
  • French Roast
  • French Vanilla
  • French Vanilla Decaf
  • New England Breakfast Blend
  • New England Breakfast Blend Decaf
  • Half Caffeinated
  • Hazelnut Crème
  • Hazelnut Crème Decaf
  • Butter Pecan

The cost per month is $11.98 for 2 bags, $17.98 for 3 bags, $23.97 for 4 bags, and $29.96 for 5 bags.

Single Serve Coffee 12-count boxes in the following varieties:

  • Blueberry Cobbler
  • Colombian Decaf
  • Colombian Supremo
  • French Roast
  • French Vanilla
  • Hazelnut Crème
  • New England Breakfast Blend
  • New England Donut Shop Blend

The cost per month is $14.38 for 2 boxes, $21.58 for 3 boxes, $28.77 for 4 boxes, and $35.96 for 5 boxes.

How do I cancel my automatic delivery?

Visit “My Account“, login if necessary, and find the “Automatic Delivery” section of your account. You can cancel your automatic delivery from there.

Is there a penalty for canceling an automatic delivery?

If you cancel your automatic delivery within thirty (30) days, New England Coffee reserves the right to charge you full price for your most recent order.

Can I edit my automatic delivery subscription?

Yes. Visit our homepage and login to “My Account“. Once on your account homepage, use the navigation tabs on the left to update information on your account. Here you can change your address, payment method, coffee variety, and more.

If you need to make any other edits to your subscription please contact New England Coffee directly at, or cancel your subscription and create a new one.

Please note: All subscriptions using PayPal as the method of payment will also need to cancel automatic payments directly through PayPal. Canceling your New England Coffee Club subscription will only automatically cancel recurring payments for users paying with a credit/debit card.

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Can I include single serve and retail ground coffee in the same Coffee Club automatic delivery order?

No. Because the ground coffee and single serve options are priced differently, you cannot mix and match them in one order. You can create two separate automatic delivery orders – one for ground and one for single serve.

Can I add regular products and automatic delivery products to the same order?

No. To process the monthly automatic delivery charges properly, you cannot combine an automatic delivery order with other products.

Can I add more than one automatic delivery to my cart at the same time?

No. You can only place an order for one automatic delivery at a time.

Can I check on the status of my monthly order?

Yes. Log into “My Account” to check on the recurrence of your automatic delivery order. Additionally, when your monthly order ships you will receive an email with a tracking code.

What If I made the automatic delivery order in error?

Please contact New England Coffee directly at

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What payment methods are available?

Visa, MasterCard, and PayPal are accepted methods of payment.

When does the monthly payment occur?

Payment occurs every thirty (30) days from the date you place your first order.

What happens if my payment method is declined?

If your payment method is declined during checkout, you will be asked to check your payment details or enter an alternate form of payment.

If your payment method is declined on a recurring automatic delivery, please log into “My Account” and update your payment information. Recurring automatic orders will not process if a failed payment occurs.

How do I update my payment method?

To update payment for a Coffee Club subscription, click on the “subscription” tab in your account. Select your Coffee Club subscription number, then click on “change payment” to update a payment method.

If your Coffee Club subscription is on-hold due to a failed payment, click on the “subscription” tab in your account. Select your Coffee Club subscription number, then scroll to the “related order” section on the subscription detail page. Select “pay” and proceed to checkout as normal. The payment method will be stored for all future renewals.

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